Monday, July 9, 2012

"Scarborough Shoal: Issue of the Century"

                                              "Scarborough Shoal: Issue of the Century"
                  The Scarborough Shoal is a group of rocks or very small islands plus reef in an atoll shape, rather than as a shoal, is located between the Macclesfield Bank and Luzon Island of the Philippines in the South China Sea. This shoal was named after the East India Company tea-trade ship Scarborough, which was wrecked on one of its rocks with everyone perishing on board on the 12th day of September, 1784.
                   The issue of the Scarborough Shoal started when both the China and the Philippines claimed that the said shoal was theirs. China based its claim in history citing Yuan Dynasty map of 1279 which included the shoal as part of its territory. The Philippines, on the other hand, premised its claim on geography since it is only about 123 nautical miles or 198 kilometers off Subic Bay, while it is 350 nautical miles from the nearest shore of China.
                    This issue brought nothing but problem to both the China and Philippines. Because of this, the Chinese and the Filipino people started hating each other that even both their businesses, products and services are greatly affected. The Chinese stop going to the Philippines and every news they say about the Philippines and its countrymen is full of negative things, and so are the Filipinos to them. Furthermore, The China also started to hate the United States of America(U.S.A) because the U.S.A helps the Philippines in regards to this issue.
                    If I were to answer of to whom does the Scarborough Shoal really belongs, I would say that the shoal belongs to the Philippines. I stay to the side of the Philippines because I believe that the shoal is really ours since before. It seems that the China claimed the said shoal when they knew about the abundant resources the shoal obtains. If everyone could just see what the Chinese fishermen did to the coral reefs of the said shoal. They destroyed those very precious reefs that are the homes of the fishes and other sea animals, plants, and etc. When the Filipino people do everything just to conserve their natural resources, the Chinese people also make plans to steal the natural resources of the land of the Philippines. Therefore, to be frank, China has a double purpose or a hidden agenda in fighting for its right regarding the Scarborough Shoal.
                    Although it is very obvious that the Philippines own the Scarborough Shoal, and China only wants trouble, it would still be hard for the Philippines to fight for the said shoal for the reasons that the China has numerous weapons that they could use against the Filipinos, the China's power over many countries, China's money, and China's economy. Everyone knows that the economy of the Philippines is not as high as the China's. The Philippines also doesn't have weapons to fight against China, and last but not the least, the Philippines just greatly depend or rely big on the U.S.A.
                   However, this issue, I hope, would be resolved. The United Nations should make a move about this before this conflict becomes a war against both countries. What both countries show to the whole world is not a good example to be imitated. Although humanity could not stop all of these, it should not be a reason of a gap among countries. What we need now is WORLD PEACE.

PEACE is what everyone should think of for life is so short. How can we enjoy this borrowed life of ours if we only think of war and not peace? Think, people. The best time is now. Make a move. Make peace. Make a difference. It's your choice. THINK and MOVE.